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Men's Shed Toolkit

Posted on Mar 13 at 11:54pm

Men’s Sheds are an initiative that aims to provide a safe space for men to gather and  connect. The Canadian Men’s Sheds Association (CMSA) describes Men’s Sheds as:

"Men's Sheds are welcoming, supportive places for friendship and fun.They provide opportunities for men to socialize, take part in activities, and learn something new.  They are places were members can be themselves. Men's Sheds can be located in a variety of places, they may be made up of a few men or a large group, and they may focus on one of more activities. While locations, activities, and membership can vary from shed to shed, the core vision of the Men's Sheds movement is equality and inclusion for all members - regardless of age, cultural background, ability, sexual orientation, income, or employment status. Men's Shed is a grass-roots, bottom-up movement where the members decide what to do."

In many of our training and network discussions, we have heard interest in working to support men’s mental health from a range of perspectives. The linked toolkit from CMSA provides a deep dive into Men’s Sheds including the benefits, barriers, as well as how to start and maintain/grow a Men’s Shed. We hope to offer further information sessions on this topic, so keep an eye out for that in the coming months!

Click here to learn more about CMSA Men’s Sheds Toolkit

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