This project focused on youth mental health through a video contest for students in grades 6-12 in schools across Manning. Students were invited to create a video highlighting self-care strategies, positive ways to check their mental health, and other healthy habits to maintain their physical, mental, and emotional health. By researching and presenting self-care strategies to their peers, there is a greater chance our teens will implement those strategies into their everyday living.
A panel of 8 judges reviewed submissions from 60 students, and the top 10 videos received self-care prize packs.
You can view the winning videos on the Community Actions for Health & Well-Being Facebook Page.
Grade 10-12:
Grade 8/9:
Grade 6/7:
Congratulations to the winners!
Teachers reported that the students were very engaged in the creation of their videos. There was a good discussion on the importance of self-care and the many ways students can implement their own personal self-care strategies. Students were informed of the various important agencies such as the Kid’s Helpline and Child Abuse Hotline information. Students were able to determine which self-care strategies addressed their needs and which ones they felt comfortable participating in.