This project aims to build and improve community members’ mental health through reconnection, including events specifically for youth, young adults, and seniors. The project also involves a research study to gain a better understanding of Castor’s priorities when it comes to mental health.
From Our Animator
"An event was planned for youth, due to COVID-19 restrictions not many youths could attend, it was decided to open the event to the larger community – it was a success! In speaking to the diverse groups about the project and the purpose of offering opportunities for people to come together and to have fun. I have seniors from the community, lodge and manors telling me how much they learned from their care packages they received during the COVID isolation times. Some have stated how it has them thinking more about mental health and even asking others in the building how they are doing, they want to know more about their neighbors just saying they are fine."
To learn about all of Castor's projects visit Castor.