For their project, the City of Cold Lake worked to identify the mental health needs of the community through a needs assessment survey of its members to gain a better understanding of the needs and existing supports in the community. Using that data, they were able to promote mental wellness resources via newsletters, social media, and wellness kits. With their additional programming offered every month, they are focusing on building wellbeing, enhancing community spirit, promoting resilience, and providing opportunities that may improve the emotional health of community members.
Top 3 Positive Changes:
1. The creation of our community Action Team, and our continued effort to build local partnerships throughout the year.
2. Building community well-being, and enhancing social connection within our community through a variety of information sessions, small gatherings, and initiatives.
3. Building community connections with our patrons to identify needs and enhance the relationships that have previously been built within our community.
To learn about all of Cold Lake's projects visit Cold Lake.